Saturday, October 11, 2008

Amber's Visit Home

I recently went home to Austin for my good friend Alicia's wedding. It was wonderful to be home. Unfortunately, Jon could not join me, since he was swamped with school work and meetings. It was really hard leaving him here to go home. When I arrived in Austin I was able to go straight to Jan's house to see her, Juan and baby Caleb! It was a great visit. 

A large part of my trip was devoted to Alicia's wedding. It was beautiful. It was so nice to get a chance to visit with her. As well as seeing my family, some of which were at the wedding.
It was great to meet Kim for dinner, and then Richard and "the gang" for drinks at Trudy's.

I also went to breakfast with my friend Tara and was able to spend time at my dad's house. I was able to sqeeze a lot into this trip! It didn't feel like a vacation though, since there was so much to do, and so many people to see. It was so worth it though. I had a great time, except I wish Jon could have been there to see everyone. 


Anonymous said...

I love you Auntie Am!

Unknown said...

I didn't know you were in town. Would love to have seen you over lunch or something. ~Julie

Anonymous said...

i can't believe how fast caleb has grown!